Banana Berry Oatmeal Recipe

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I am a planner, not a “fly by the seat of my pants” gal. Some may consider me boring, but that is why I have my husband, there is not a boring bone in his body:) Once a plan is made, I like to stick to it. I also like to have a consistent daily routine, maybe not as bad as Groundhog Day, but close.

My day usually goes like this: exercise, get ready for work, eat breakfast at my desk, work 10 hours, make dinner with the hubs, and depending on the night I either-blog, clean, watch TV, read, or attend a social function. Pretty basic. Sometimes I am flexible with my schedule, but I prefer to have notice. I like to stick to the plan:)

One thing I never change is my breakfast. I always eat a bowl of oatmeal Monday-Friday. Sometimes on the weekends I splurge and have pancakes, a smoothie, or muffins, etc. but I really love my oats. They are so comforting and good for my  heart. I love steel cut oats, but I usually eat good old fashioned rolled oats. I never get sick of them, even in the summer when it is blazing hot outside.

I do try to mix things up with different fruits, but my favorite oatmeal is my Banana Berry bowl. The banana melts into the oats and creates an extra creamy bowl of oatmeal. I top my bowl off with a splash of vanilla soy milk and fresh berries.

I love starting my day with banana berry oatmeal. My philosophy-why change a good thing? I never get tired of this healthy breakfast. It may be boring to some, but boring tastes pretty darn good to me!

Banana Berry Oatmeal

5 from 1 vote


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 banana sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons vanilla soy milk
  • Toppings:
  • Strawberries sliced
  • Banana slices
  • Blackberries


  • 1. In a microwave safe bowl, mix together the oats and cinnamon. Stir in the water.
  • 2. Cook the oats in the microwave for one minute. Remove bowl and add in the banana slices. Stir. Cook for one more minute.
  • 3. Stir in vanilla soy milk and top with fresh strawberries, bananas, and blackberries. I like blueberries too, I just ran out of them:)
  • 4. Serve hot.
  • *Note-make sure you use a large enough bowl. You don't want the oats to spill over, it is a mess to clean up. Trust me, I know:)

Have you tried this recipe?

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If you like this bowl of oatmeal, you might also like:

Baked Oatmeal from Two Peas and Their Pod
Bruleed Steel Cut Oats from Two Peas and Their Pod
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Apple Spice Oats from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen

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I'm Maria and my husband is Josh. We share a love of cooking, baking, and entertaining. We enjoy creating recipes that are simple, fresh, and family friendly. We love sitting around the table with good food, good conversation, and good friends and family! Our kitchen is always open!
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  1. i love oatmeal too! i bet the soy milk really makes this delicious. i love soy milk…it’s such a treat!

  2. planner–raising hand
    oat lover-raising hand
    what I do is not plan anything on the weekends, and we mix it up with pancakes or waffles- something divine, it’s great but mon-fri plan plan…not boring at all, my life would collapse if I did not plan


  3. Love your oatmeal… YUM! I am another planner… and my husband is not! It’s always interesting at our house 🙂

  4. I could never get sick of this breakfast. It looks incredible!

    I love oatmeal. I have it every day. It’s the only thing that really fills me up in the mornings. 🙂

  5. I am an oatmeal-for-breakfast girl too! Sometimes I have overnight oats (mix oats with equal amount of water, let sit for half hour, mix in container of yogurt and let sit overnight) and sometimes I have mine cooked with banana and add almond butter after its cooked, topped with a little granola. Yum…I can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow morning!

  6. 5 stars
    When I was a child I did not like oatmeal because as you know everybody put sugar and everything. Now as a 68 year old woman I have discovered steel oats and I love them. I I tried to eat oatmeal every morning but two days out of the week I like like eggs and pancakes and other things. I love this recipe because it has two things that I truly love… Blueberries, and bananas. I also will try raspberries next time. Adding almond milk is superb! I enjoyed the other fruits and nuts to my oatmeal. Thank you for sharing. Healthy eating, happy heart!

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